I'm an associate professor at the Astronomy Department of Indiana University in Bloomington. Previously, I was an assistant professor at the Institute for Astrophysics at Universidad Catolica in Chile. I held postdoctoral positions as a Bart J. Bok fellow at the Steward Observatory in the University of Arizona and Gruber Foundation and CITA fellow at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA). I did my PhD in Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University working on planet formation and orbital dynamics. Previous to this, I did my undergraduate studies at Universidad Catolica in Chile in astronomy and engineering studying the thermal evolution of neutron stars.
My main research interests are on exoplanets and orbital dynamics, while my broader interests span a wide range topics involving stellar and compact-object systems (check my research blog and publications).
I'm originally from one of the southernmost settlements of the American continent in the Chilean Patagonia (where?) and the academic journey has been constantly taking me north from there.
Planet formation and evolution, orbital dynamics, disk-planet interaction, planet demographics
2010 - 2015
Princeton University, USA
PhD. Astrophysical Sciences
Compact objects
Thermal evolution of neutron stars, gravitational-wave sources, accretion disks
Stellar dynamics
Multiple stellar systems, galactic center
Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Chile
B.S. Astronomy
Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Chile
B.S. and professional degree in Mathematical Engineering